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word o'month


begin again
time of growth
new perspectives
do new things 
be excited

learn to find joy
in the story
you're living


hBe inspired! Jan


2025 Writing Vision board.png


Inspiredprints likes new beginnings!

Here you can find inspiration on

themes of wellness, growth,

loss, grief, healing, 

connection, community,

and resilience.


2024 was a hectic year of change for me.

two BIG things happened:

I finished writing my first full manuscript!

I downsized and moved to a new city!

So I'm feeling the new beginnings now for sure.

And I like it. But both of those things took time away from

being able to prioritize writing my blog posts.

The mission of these writings

"To inspire change, healing, and connection on

your journey to wellness."

And I'll add a video here and there with tips on wellness,

writing projects, and book releases.

You can find samples of my Writings here

Please Note 

writing - writing - writing

My website will be updated in 2025

to reflect my focus as an author/writer,

and for book sales in addition to

 blog posts and articles.

My keyword for 2025:

r e l e a s e

this includes the release of things old, outdated, or no longer serving me in order to make room for the new things I'm bringing into my life.

Also a book release!

Thanks for visiting - I'm glad you're here!

Exciting News!
*Watch for the upcoming
Children's Chapter Book:

Meet Lefty Lucy:
A left-handed girl
in a right-handed world

Being left-handed can present some uncommon problems!

"It's okay to be different"

"That which makes you
different makes you special."

Stay tuned for
book launch info ...

The inspo behind my kids books:
"To inspire a love of reading and connection with fictional characters as they grow up. 
To illustrate the importance of
acceptance, friends & family,
imagination, and self-esteem"
We all experience growing pains and milestones during childhood, and the characters in the stories do too,
they are relatable!

psst ... wanna know a secret?
I may use a pen name for my  children's books!
Jan Vann

Join the Club

Join our email list to get inspo & updates, and save 10% on your first order!

Thanks for submitting!

'You heal by releasing, not by suppressing.'

When things aren't

adding up,

start subtracting.

' Let go of what's gone,
be grateful for what remains,
and look forward to
what is coming. '

" New Beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. "
                   - Lao Tsu


"We're always in the process

of becoming"


Life deals us wake-up calls
in time to shift our perspective;
to put us on track to find new purpose and satisfaction.
Trust the Process 


The flower doesn't dream of the bee.

It blossoms and the bee comes.

  - Mark Nepo

When you become peaceful, you radiate peace to others. This is how you

change the world.

BLOG POSTS     *not in time sequence

lets connect!

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Rochester, New York USA

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